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小编:长安 82



  Some people think that getting old is entirely bad, while others think that life of the elderly in modern world is much better than in the past. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

  题干中,明显给出了两个需要考生论证的观点。其一,人变老了是极坏的事情。其二,现在社会的老年人的生活要比过去好很多。用discuss both view的方式来提问,再合适不过了。




  Twilight years are what all people have to go through in their life, and without a shadow of doubt no one in the world is willing to enter the sunset of his day but we all have no other choice. What is worse, people's later life is definitely not as beautiful as they expected and even could be more miserable than ever before.


  It seems that all related stakeholders of supporting the aged, such as some relevant social organizations, governments and family members, are all working collectively in order to provide financially and healthily secure life for the old. They are doing so with the implication that the elderly are no longer able to take care of themselves, and become encumbrances of families and societies but not contributing members. Psychologically, this is the tragedy that everyone has to persuade himself to accept. Rejuvenation is certainly the wish that stays deep in every old person's heart. On top of this, becoming old means being closer to death, which is the extremely cruel part of natural law.


  Retirement life nowadays in people's mind who are getting old is like what they saw before. Old people used to live in nursing home financially supported by governments, with enjoying high-end healthcare and being visited by their children and grandchildren regularly. The dreamed life like this ends up as proportion of old population is tremendously high. This is to say, governments are not capable of investing adequate fund in establishment of facilities for the old, meaning that a considerable proportion of old people might have no chance to live in the public nursing home. Lucky ones living there probably can see their children infrequently for the reason that their children are always stuck in their work as most of people do in modern society.


  To sum up, getting old is the most horrible thing that I can imagine so far, especially in recent years when aging population is becoming the most serious social problem across the globe.



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