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小编:长安 188




  Some people think they have right to use as much fresh water as they want, while others believe that governments should strictly control the use of fresh water as it is limited resource. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 20161210 / 20130928


  Of many basic needs without which humans cannot survive at all, fresh water is in deteriorating crisis not only regionally but globally. Consequently, the majority of governments across all nations are making every effort to tackle the problem of water resource scarcity by restraining water consumption in all aspects. Notwithstanding, citizens have never been deprived of right of using fresh water limitlessly.


  There is no gainsaying that people do have the right of utilizing fresh water for both their basic needs for surviving and their luxury lifestyle, like owning a private swimming pool. Both social and natural resources are imperative for humans, whereas this does not imply that those resources ought to be distributed with equality. Furthermore, in fact resources have never been shared by every citizen equally since humans came into being. In all countries, the rich are obviously more likely to enjoy relatively abundant resources like fresh water, and by contrast the poor can only get the limited share for basic needs.


  On the other hand, authorities have to take reasonable measures to make distribution of fresh water satisfy all people’s demand for surviving. Those who are economically limited or live in areas with the shortage of fresh water resources should be given priority by authorities, and then other people’s luxury consumption of water can be provided. In most cases, governments are using policies like grading water price to guarantee everyone can afford basic water consumption, and meanwhile respect people’s right of using water as much as they wish if those people are able to buy the tremendously high water bill. Hereby, economic leverage seems like an effective way for governments to ensure the distribution of fresh water more rational and acceptable by every citizen.


  Overall, people have the right to consume water for some luxury lifestyle, and in the meantime governments are also authorized to impose high price for them. Only with restrain of fresh water by authorities, can everyone in societies feel fair about the distribution of this precious resource.



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