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小编:长安 56

  好多小伙伴在雅思写作甚至口语里面喜欢用一些"big words", 其实"big words"使用需谨慎,而"小词"也可以用出很好的效果喔。尤其是口语中,如果"big words" 用得不恰当,反而会影响考官眼里你对英语语言的掌握程度。

  而在写作中,举个例子,有些烤鸭喜欢用huge,enormous,tremendous 等夸张的形容词来表达数量,然而当你只是想说一定数量的时候,a certain number of,or for example,there are certain advantages to…就更恰如其分。

  老外对"小词"的应用炉火纯青,接下来长春环球教育李秋宇老师就借用剑7 test1 writing task 2考官范文里面的一句话来解析while 这个词作为连词时的几种使用方法。(用好连词在你出国之后写文章的时候很有帮助的呦~)

  "Such talents can give individuals a facility for certain (请注意这里面再次用到前面提到的certain) skills that allow them to excel, while more hard-working students never manage to reach a comparable level."这里面while是什么意思呢?(答案在下面喔)


  1.当…的时候 (表示两事同时发生) If something happens while something else is happening, the two things are happening at the same time.

  2.正值…之时 (表示一件事是在另一件事发生过程中的某个时间发生的) If something happens while something else happens, the first thing happens at some point during the time that the second thing is happening.

  3.而 (用于从句之首,引出与主句内容相对比的信息) You use while at the beginning of a clause to introduce information that contrasts with information in the main clause. 例句:Most digital camera owners are male, while women prefer film. 例句翻译:大部分数码相机的主人都是男性,而女性偏爱用胶卷。

  4.虽然 (用于发表陈述之前,引入和陈述内容部分矛盾的信息) You use while, before making a statement, in order to introduce information that partly conflicts with your statement. 例句:While the news, so far, has been good, there may be days ahead when it is bad. 例句翻译;虽然到目前为止都是好消息,但是可能过几天就有坏消息了。(这里面跟although的用法差不多)

  现在是不是可以很轻松地判断出上文"Such talents can give individuals a facility for certain skills that allow them to excel, while more hard-working students never manage to reach a comparable level."中的while是"而"的意思呢?(译文:这样的才能可以让个人获得某些技能,使他们能够出类拔萃,而更勤奋的学生则无法达到同等的水平。)

  我们再来看剑8 test 3 writing task 3 例文里面的这句,"While it is undeniable that private car use is one of the main causes of the increase in traffic and pollution, higher fuel costs are unlikely to limit the number of drivers for long."(译文:虽然不可否认,私家车的使用是交通和污染增加的主要原因之一,但更高的燃料成本不太可能长期限制司家车的数量。)


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