小编:长安 138 最近有部国产剧逆天了,你们应该都知道吧?对,就是《人民的名义》!其火爆之程度,用刷屏级好评、整容级演技来形容一点都不夸张!
最高人民检察院 Supreme People's Procuratorate
最高人民法院 Supreme People's Court
监察部 Ministry of Supervision (MOS)
国务院 State Council
司法机关 Judiciary
审判委员会 the Trial Committee
第一刑事法庭 the First Criminal Court
审判长 the presiding judge
检察官 procurator
警察 policeman
律师 lawyer/ attorney
贪官 corrupt officials/venal officials
贪污公款 embezzle public funds
反腐败 anti-corruption
司法腐败 judicial corruption
被指控受贿 be charged with bribery
滥用职权 abuse of power
玩忽职守或不当行为 dereliction of duty or misconduct
工作作风问题 working style issue
泄露国家秘密 leaking State secrets
双规 get detained and interrogated
严重违纪 serious disciplinary violations
开除党籍 be expelled from the Party
反腐倡廉 combat corruption and build a clean government
有腐必反,有贪必肃 fight every corrupt phenomenon, punish every corrupt official