Some people think that older school children should learn a wide range of...了解更多>>
77 2015-10-19要想得到雅思作文的高分,就要避免因时间不够而漏写结尾或草率结束导致的文章不完...了解更多>>
1027 2015-10-15要想快速雅思写作成绩,一下三步是短期提高的要点: 第一:写 要练习写雅思...了解更多>>
113 2015-10-14In many countries, there is not enough recycling of waste materials (e.g. paper...了解更多>>
95 2015-09-29Some people think everyone should be a vegetarian because people don’t need to ...了解更多>>
138 2015-09-22对于雅思考试中,词汇量是非常重要且必须掌握的。以下是环球教育(原环球教育)小编...了解更多>>
101 2015-09-18雅思作文写作中环球教育(原环球教育)小编提醒大家如果用不好复杂句,尽量写简单句...了解更多>>
109 2015-09-18对于大多数雅思考生而言,写作单项是硬伤,往往考了好几次,写作成绩就是上不去,而...了解更多>>
98 2015-09-16对于在雅思考试屡战屡败的雅思考生们来说,雅思作文和口语是永恒的痛。雅思A类小...了解更多>>
82 2015-09-15Students in school or university learn more from classes of teachers than other...了解更多>>
86 2015-09-15论证通常被视作议论文写作最重要的环节。论证既体现了作者的逻辑思维...了解更多>>
71 2015-09-14Many people are afraid to leave their homes because of their fear of crime. Some...了解更多>>
120 2015-09-062015年8月29日雅思大作文考官范文 Some people believe that the increasing business...了解更多>>
108 2015-09-06准备考雅思的学生们可以了解一些雅思的范文,下面环球教育老师就为学生们介绍一篇...了解更多>>
82 2015-09-06