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  Section 1 (旧题,机经版本号V09108S1)

  场景话题:The survey of residents讲的是一个社区调查,问了些个人信息以及对当地发展旅游业的看法

  题型:Information filling

  1 postcode : BH246GL

  2 the occupation of the woman : accountant

  3 length of living there : 18 months

  Multiple choice

  4 the reason why choose here to live

  C Landscape

  5 who’s flat is this : B friend’s flat

  6 her age is in level : B 21-65

  7 advantage of living here : A environment remain uncharged

  8 disadvantage : A high living cost

  9 main concern : medical service

  10 wish to improve : more food shops

  Section 2 (旧题,机经版本号 V100220S2)

  场景话题:The school of music  一个广播节目介绍新的音乐学校

  题型:Information filling

  11 where is the new campus , opposite library

  12 Classroom 14

  13 car park is near : swimming pool

  14 website : www.playwell.co.uk

  15 instrument for all graes : violin

  16 for above 5 grade : drums

  17 for above 3 grade: piano

  18 yearly convert held in : June and December

  19given as prize :CDs

  20 music concert was held in : theatre

  Section 3 (新题)

  场景话题:Food science

  题型:Multiple choice +配对

  21 reasons of the popularity of cookery book :A lifestyle

  22 according to Sue , XXX book is : c poorly organized

  23 why ancient cookery books can not be used : for professional

  24 the organization of ancient cookery books: not for people’s pleasure matching

  25---30 list of reading material

  Up-to-date : good on history ;self study ; bibliographic ; short well researched

  Section 4 (新题)

  场景话题:Seed hunter : the search for ancient seed

  题型:Information filling

  31 待确认

  32 种子成长的地区:dry

  33 media describe the seed hunters as : pirates

  34 hunger

  35 that is untrue , because hunter s do not seed sell

  36 any can get seed : scientists

  37 the lack of __-and maps

  38 待确认




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