小编: 187托福综合口语真题:
做什么Mary Jacobs proposed that the school dining hall should no longer provide junk food.
理由:1. it is healthier to eat just healthy food.
2.it can help students to save money.
观点:The man disagrees with that.
理由:1. They eat a lot of junk food, only eating junk food occasionally won’t do harm to their health, besides, sometimes they really want to eat junk food after finishing a paper.
2. This won’t help them to save money, because students will still buy junk food outside the campus if they cannot buy it from the dining hall.
主题:Rational Ignorance
定义:when people are making less important decision, they won’t research information or think for a long time before they make the decision since it does not worth it.
The professor used to compare a lot of information before he bought his car, he collected a lot of information and then decided which car to buy. But yesterday, when he bought the batteries for flashlight, he did not compare or even read the package; he just bought the first one he saw although there were five different brands.
问题:The woman is going to organize the opening for the Spring Concert tomorrow afternoon, but according to the weather forecast, it is going to rain tomorrow.
解决方案:1.The first solution is to move the concert indoors, that is, to have the concert in an auditorium. 优点:N/A 缺点:it is not as fun as having a concert outside.
2.The second solution is to postpone the concert to the day after tomorrow. 优点:weather can be better 缺点:not many students will be on campus on Sunday afternoon.
参考答案:As for female animals, the mother animals perform better than those non-mother animals, because they have better memories. The professor introduces a experiment to explain this. Some mother rats and non-mother rats are put in a maze to find food. The mother rats tend to find food faster. They can easily remember the only path to get food. This capability is very important for animals to survive, because these mother animals can easily find food for their children and get back home faster to protect their children.
解析:这次的第六题只有一个点一个例子,和大多数的TPO第六题出题不一样,比较接近第四题的出题,没考的同学建议练习tpo1 task6,可以稍稍熟悉一下这种类型的第六题。