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小编:Hosea 167

  Part  2&3考题总结

  1. A good parent you  think.

  2. A historic figure  you like.

  3. An interesting  person from  another country.

  4. A business leader  /  businessman that you admire.

  5. A knowledgeable  person you  want to know.

  6. An interesting person.

  7. A product you  bought that made  you happy.

  8. A piece of  furniture you like.

  9. An activity you  do to keep  fit.

  10. An important  letter that you  received.

  11. A rule at your school that you agree or disagree.

  12. A subject you learned in the high school.

  13. A traditional  product in your  country.

  14. An advertisement  you have  seen recently.

  15. An exciting book  you read  recently.

  16. A leisure facility (cinema/theater/ sports center) would like to  have in  your hometown.

  17. A place that people listen to music.

  18. A dream home.

  19. Your teaching  experience.

  20. An achievement  that you are  proud of.

  21. A car journey.

  22.An occasion that you helped someone (friend  or relative).


  Part 2题目解析

  A piece of furniture  you like.

  Sample answer:

  there  is a recliner on the balcony of my parents bedroom. It's my dad's favorite furniture.  He bought it from a local store and kept it for about more than ten years.

  The  upper layer of the recliner is made of fur and some sponge is filled under  it. Its soft for either lying or sitting on it.

  the  recliner is like a chair which you can change its shape so as to lie on it.  There is a little pop-up thing at the end so that you can rest your feet on  the extension of the chair. So its very comfortable for him to watch sports  and take a nap.

  However,  my mom frowned on the recliner. She thought it doesn't match her well  decorated room, so she ordered my father to put it on the balcony. Anyway, My  father likes to lie on it, enjoying the sunshine.

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