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  the use of television advertisement to promote prescription medicine is not good  Government allows pharmaceutical companies to market prescription medications directly to consumers, for example, advertising medications on television. Critics think that the use of television advertisement to promote prescription medicine is harmful to the consumer.

  1. Television advertisement does not always present the effect of the medicine. There are positive points in ads,but hide risks and side effect, so not objective

  2. For some medicine, television advertisement makes their sales typically rise dramatically. A lot of people will be attracted by the ads even though they don't need them, so misuse of medicine

  3.Critics complain that the government does not exercise enough control to the pharmaceutical companies once they advertise medicine on television. Governments never review the ads, so company will break the rules on advertising.


  Advertising medicine on television has a positive role for consumers and the market can be fully balanced.

  1.television advertisement helps consumers a lot. Because the advertisements on television are objective enough and the effect of the advertised medicine is not only the result of researches but also of numerous doctors. So when consumers see the advertisement on television, they benefit a lot rather than harm. People will search for more information on the internet or by asking doctors.

  2. Sale of medicine does not necessarily make the market disordered television advertisement of medicine does not necessarily make the market disordered, but make people much healthier, for example, the medicine to stop smoking. Before, many people did not know how to stop smoking, but after people see the advertisement of the medicine to stop smoking, they believe it is so useful that they would not smoke any more, and they become much healthier. Ads help promote unknown medicines.

  3.Government can actually take measures. Although some pharmaceutical companies are free from the government’s rules, but if the pharmaceutical companies do not abide by the rules, the government would punish them. For example, the government can get money from them as a fine. So the pharmaceutical companies who advertise prescription medicine on television do have reasons to follow the rules of the government.



  many people nowadays spend too much money on their pets(dogs, cats, or other animals, although there are better use of this money.


  To begin with, keeping pets cultivates young kids’ sense of responsibility and patience. When the pets are regarded as family members, children will play their roles as “big brothers and sisters”, taking good care of them and trying to love them.

  In addition, the adults can relieve stress from work by keeping pets. Life must be more colorful and enjoyable if the adults have the opportunity to walk the dog in the park.

  Furthermore, if there are pets around the senior, chances are high that they would not feel lonely any more. Intelligent as the pets are, they can understand the sadness in your eyes and the smile on your face. Pets must be gifts for the lonely senior citizens who are in desperate needs of accompany.


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