小编: 311o 经济原因
o 经济衰退或者不景气 recession,就业岗位剧减,导致市场对劳动力的总体需求下降 a fall in the overall demand for labour
o 社会原因
o 劳动法 labour market regulations制约着雇主,使其对员工的招聘特别谨慎;雇主对年轻人抱有偏见和不信任 prejudice against young inexperienced workers
o 教育不够 inadequate education,所学与社会需求严重脱节;没有工作经验,缺乏培训 lack of appropriate training;
o 缺乏对劳动力市场的清晰理解 a clear understanding of the job market,对工资和职业期望值过高 exceedingly high occupational and wage aspirations;
o 缺乏对工作的耐性和对雇主的忠诚 lack of loyalty to employers,性格比较多变 mercurial nature