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小编:长安 100



  Describe an experience that you were not allowed to use your mobile phone.

  You should say

  When it happened

  Where you were

  What you did there

  And explain why using mobile phone there was not allowed


  首先,本题是一个典型的个人经历类的话题, 而题目要求考生描述自己的一个不允许被使用手机的经历,因此考生在讲述该经历的过程中一定要对于时态的应用倍加小心。





  Usage of mobile phones in hospitals sometimes might affect normal functions of some armamentarium.


  Using mobile phones in gas stations or onboard could cause danger on account of the signals of mobile phones.


  In some places where quietness is seriously required, using cell phones may cause noise that is likely to bother others.


  Using mobile phones in class may lead to students’ distraction, as what they chat with their friends over the phone is often more eye-catching than what their teachers teach them in class.


  While seeing some movies in limited release, people are not allowed to take their cell phones so as to protect the copyright of new movies.


  While most of us are enjoying the convenience brought by the usage of cell phones in the world of information technologies, in fact we are also being bothered by some inconvenience or even potential danger from it. That’s the reason why in certain places using cell phones is completely banned, like in hospitals and gasoline stations.

  The place, I once have been to and where using cell phones is not allowed at all, is a café, called Library Café in my city. Specifically speaking, when I went there last month, not only cell phones but all kinds of electronic devices were forbidden there. I walked into this café and one of the waiters told me some rules like this by giving me a piece of paper with relevant rules and explanations. Before I read my book and drank my coffee, I had read the rules carefully.

  A reason for having this rule is that this café owner believed that cell phone was the main source of distraction affecting people's reading there. I found that some people even couldn’t help checking their cell phones every two or three minutes to see whether they had got some messages from their friends. Doing this wasted much time of them and did lower their reading efficiency.

  Besides, using mobile phones sometimes might make noise that might adversely influence others in this café. Accordingly, whenever it is, this is always unfair for people who are concentrating on their books so I can’t agree more.

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