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小编:Hosea 71

  雅思口语考试中经常需要用到表达心情的词汇,如果能用到一些idiomatic words,一定能给你的口语表达加分不少。只会说Happy和Sad,是远远不够的哟。


  In high spirits 兴高采烈,心情欢畅

  Meaning:happy and excited and energetic

  Example:The atmosphere is so great. I'm in high spirits.

  On cloud nine 乐不可支

  Meaning: Extremely happy.

  Example: When the boss announced my promotion, I was on cloud nine.

  Keep one's chin up 乐观,不灰心

  Meaning: To be stalwart, courageous, or optimistic in the face of difficulty.

  Example: Keep your chin up. Everything will be all right.

  A long face 闷闷不乐

  Meaning: look sad

  Example: I don't know what's the matter with her, but she's been pulling a long face for two days.

  Down in the mouth 垂头丧气

  Meaning: unhappy and depressed

  Example: Paul looks down in the mouth because he failed in the attempt.

  Be like a bear with a sorehead 情绪恶劣,脾气暴躁

  Meaning: to be in a bad mood which causes you to treat other people badly and complain a lot

  Example: Such people are like a bear with a sore head.

  Over the moon 欣喜若狂

  Meaning: extremely pleased and happy

  Example: The whole team were over the moon at winning the competition.

  Under the weather 身体不舒服,不在状态

  Meaning: feel slightly ill/sick and not as well as usual

  Example: When I feel under the weather, I would be easily distracted by other things and can't get my jobs done efficiently.

  Down in the dumps 郁闷,沮丧

  Meaning:feel unhappy

  Example:Each time I feel down in the dumps or stressed out, I will wear my earphones and put his songs in repeat.

  Have butterflies in one's stomach 紧张,忐忑不安

  Meaning:have a nervous feeling in your stomach before doing something

  Example:I have butterflies in my stomach when I have to speak in front of the school.

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