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小编:长安 94


  Describe a rule at your school you agree or disagree.

  The rule of my school I want to talk about is that we have to put our cellphones in the drawer of teacher's desk, this is a special rule of our school, this rule started a year ago, because we are an international division, it was never like other ordinary high schools which forbidden students to take cellphones with them to classrooms. But you know, high school students are highly lack of self-control, so when the teachers were teaching in the front, most of us chose to play with our phones in our seats. When the tests result came out, with no surprise, they were ugly as hell. Our home teacher talked to our parents about our misbehavior in class, he hoped that our parents could discipline us at home, but you know that could never work. But if this behavior continued to show up in class, it would seriously affect our academic performance in a negative way. Not long after, this rule was formed. At the beginning, we were strongly opposed this decision, but there was nothing else we could do to stop it. In the end, we accepted. Now, there is no way for my friends to contact at school time, because it in my teacher's hand. But in a positive way, we do pay more attention on our study.

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