小编:长安 217为了帮助大家提升雅思口语成绩,长春环球教育连莹莹老师这里继续为大家介绍一些常用习惯用语的表达。
1.red tape:It means strict adherence to rules and regulations so that a procedure seems to take longer than necessary.
翻译为中文的意思就是繁文缛节,官僚作风。结合办理签证的事例给大家举个例子,我们知道在我们国家,办理像签证这类事情需要一段时间才能下来结果,需要经过很多程序,这就可以用英文的red tape表达。 例如It took two weeks to get visas for our aid workers because of all the red tape.
2.sick as a dog:看到这个习语大家第一反应也许就是病得像个狗子,不过真正的意思也是差不多的。
来给大家解释一下, If you're as sick as a dog, you're very sick. 他的意思就是病得十分严重,所以意思很简单。你可以用这个习语来替换sick, ill, disease这些我们已会的简单词汇。例如I've been as sick as a dog since I ate those sausage rolls.
3.a knight in shining armor:If someone is a knight in shining armor, they help you when you are in a difficult situation.
翻译成中文就是心中的英雄,力挽狂澜的人,白马王子。我相信每个姑娘都有自己心中的Mr Right吧,knight在英文里是骑士的意思,armor有盔甲之意,就是你的骑士穿着帅气的盔甲来迎接你了。举个例子,Jason was my knight in shining armor. He brought food and newspapers every day until I got better. 那么这个Jason还真是一个体贴之人呢!
4.cost the earth:If something costs the earth, or they charge the earth for it, it's very expensive.
中文意思即为非常昂贵,等于expensive和costly。比如在你去某城市的某个旅游景点,在景区买了一个很没营养的特色小吃,结果被索要天价,这个时候你就可以说cost the earth了。例如Just having a cup of coffee costs the earth in there. It's ridiculously expensive.